unfiltered OASIS

Morganton #03

The dog barks outside, when I came out to see, I realized very quick that he was barking at something eternal.

Key Biscayne.

A perfect day for collecting starfishes.


What a perfect moment to capture a beautiful sunset in the Everglades.

Wilson Creek

Who will not enjoy a summer vacation while balancing your soul over some rocks.

Fonta Flora extended arm.

The trees, the trail, the sky, all of them giving me the right to pass.


Loving the sunsets in the mountains, specially when the only sound you can hear is your heart beating at a perfect pace.

Morganton #02

Waking up early is one thing, but waking up early to take your spirit to school seems like a better deal.


While passing at the speed of light on my bicycle. I had only a micro-second to spot a friend, lucky you that you have all eternity.


As my father always tough me, "you always have look at people in the eyes".


I thought the water hose was closed outside, but unfortunately it wasn't. When I went outside the next morning I came to realize that...

Chicken wire.

A simple formula: Chicken wire + leaking hose + nature = perfection.

Light posts.

Is there such a thing like a good fire? I believe so specially when it's eternal.